The paper entitled "Energy-Efficient Kernel Management on GPUs" by Dr. Yun Liang's group was accepted by DATE'16. Congratulations!
Paper information
Xiuhong Li and Yun Liang , "Energy-Efficient Kernel Management on GPUs", in Proceedings of the 19th Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2016), March 14-16, 2016.
About acceptance rate of DATE'16
The selection process has been very competitive. Indeed, the acceptance rate of DATE 2016 for presentations at the conference is only 24%. Additionally, 10% of the submitted papers were selected for Interactive Presentation.
Out of a total of 829 paper submissions received, a large share (42%) is coming from authors in Europe, 29% of submissions are from Asia, 25% from North America, and 4% from the rest of the world. This clearly demonstrates DATE’s international character, its global reach and impact.
DATE'16 website: