Welcome new faculty member of CECA in September 2015: Dr. Chenren Xu.
Chenren Xu is an assistant professor in the School of EECS and a member of CECA at Peking University. He received his bachelor’s degree with honors in Automation from Shanghai University and his Ph.D degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rutgers University. After that, he spent one year as a Postdoc Research Fellow in School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University from 2014 to 2015. His research interests span different aspects of computer networks. He has worked on cross-layer protocol design in XIA future internet architecture to support and optimize mobility, with a particular focus on vehicular use cases. He has also built health-related edge applications, involving mobile sensing, ubiquitous computing, embedded systems and machine learning, to deploy them in the wild and benefit people in daily life.