Congratulations to Dr. Guojie Luo, Tao Wang, Fan Ye (used to work at CECA) and Ph.D student Ruipeng Gao for the paper entitled "Sextant: Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Localization Service by Photo-taking of the Environment" was accepted to appear by IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing.
Paper information:
Ruipeng Gao, Yang Tian, Fan Ye, Guojie Luo, Kaigui Bian, Yizhou Wang, Tao Wang, Xiaoming Li. Sextant: Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Localization Service by Photo-taking of the Environment, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), accepted to appear.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) is a scholarly archival journal published monthly that focuses on the key technical issues related to Mobile Computing. It is the intent of TMC to publish mature works of research, typically those that have appeared in part in conferences. Furthermore, it is the intent ofTMC to focus on issues at the link-layer and above in wireless communications, and to focus only on topics explicitly or plausibly related to mobile systems.
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